
WeChat Pay serves as a digital wallet integrated into the popular Chinese superapp known as WeChat. Over the years, it has gained significant prominence as an essential payment solution for businesses seeking to connect with Chinese consumers, both domestically and internationally. WeChat has transformed into a comprehensive ecosystem, offering Chinese shoppers the convenience of chatting, browsing products or services, and making payments seamlessly within a unified platform. This integration has made the shopping experience as effortless as having a friendly conversation with your companions, all in one place.

特徴 #

最低取引額No limit
最大取引額50,000 USD

Subproducts #

Payment caseProductPayment scenarios description
QR CodeWeb PaymentOn Desktop browser, after selecting WeChatPay as a payment method merchant checkout, a QR code appears. The shopper then opens WeChat app on their mobile phone and scans the barcode displayed on the browser page to complete the payment.
QR CodeQuick PayOn point of sale, Merchants can display the QR code on the terminal and shoppers can open their WeChat app on their mobile phones to scan the QR code to complete payment.
Mobile H5 FlowsH5 paymentOn the mobile browser, a shopper selects WeChatPay as a payment method on Merchant checkout, and as redirected from the browser into the WeChatPay app to complete the payment before being redirected back to the Merchant browser.
Mobile – In WeChat appOfficial AccountUsually popular in more Chinese speaking markets, Merchants can consider building a profile page on the WeChat social site and prompt shoppers to select products and complete payment within the WeChat social site environment.
Mobile – In WeChat appMini ProgramAnother spin on Official Accounts, a Mini Program is like a website within the WeChat social site where more customizations from the Merchant are possible and shoppers can select products and complete payment within that environment.

支払いの流れ #

QR Code #

pic_QR Code.png

Mobile H5 Flows #

pic_Mobile H5 Flows.png

Mobile – In WeChat app #

pic_Mobile - In WeChat app.png

統合方式 #

支払い方法の列挙値: wechat_pay

There are two integration methods for Wechat pay

  1. ダイレクトAPI
  2. チェックアウト
Integration methodWechat Pay subproductionterminal_type enumeration values
ダイレクトAPIWeb PaymentWEB
ダイレクトAPIQuick PaySCAN_CODE
ダイレクトAPIH5 PaymentWAP
ダイレクトAPIOfficial Account PaymentOFFICIAL_ACCOUNT
ダイレクトAPIMini ProgramMINI_PROGRAM
Integration methodWechat Pay subproductionterminal_type enumeration values
チェックアウトWeb PaymentYou don’t need to identify the terminal type in checkout. Checkout will automatically generate a QR code or redirect to WeChat App based on their device.
チェックアウトH5 PaymentYou don’t need to identify the terminal type in checkout. Checkout will automatically generate a QR code or redirect to WeChat App based on their device.

ダイレクトAPI #

A PaymentIntent is an object that represents your intent to collect payment from your customer and tracks the lifecycle of the payment process. Create a PaymentIntent on your server and specify the amount to collect and a supported currency.

PaymentIntentの作成 #

For direct API integration, you can create PaymentIntent and get url in only one step. The following is the demo of creating payment intents:

  1. Web Payment
  2. H5 Payment
  3. Quick Pay
  4. Official Account Payment

Web Payment #




    "id": "pi_1666625039547498496",
    "object": "payment_intent",
    "created": 1686189348000,
    "livemode": false,
    "currency": "CNY",
    "amount": 20,
    "status": "requires_action",
    "client_secret": "pi_1666625039547498496_secret_qGj2VEg4khXSWkXvRI7Y3yZe",
    "next_action": {
        "type": "wechat_pay_display_qr_code",
        "wechat_pay_display_qr_code": {
            "image_data_url": "weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl?pr=lJhTByDzz"
    "payment_method_types": [
    "confirmation_method": "automatic",
    "payment_method_options": {
        "wechat_pay": {
            "terminal_type": "WEB",
            "os_type": "IOS",
            "client_ip": ""
    "return_url": "https://wooshpay.com",
    "payment_method": "pm_1666625039430057984",
    "capture_method": "automatic"

について image_data_url from wechat_pay_display_qr_code from 次のアクション can be opened, from the link, the merchant can generate corresponding QR codes. Then use the corresponding QR code to charge.

H5 Payment #


    "amount": 20,
    "currency": "CNY",
    "confirm": true,
    "payment_method_options": {
        "wechat_pay": {
            "terminal_type": "WAP",
            "client_ip": ""  //customer's mobile's ip
    "payment_method_data": {
        "type": "wechat_pay"
    "return_url": "yourwebsite"    


    "id": "pi_1666625208749916160",
    "object": "payment_intent",
    "created": 1686189389000,
    "livemode": false,
    "currency": "CNY",
    "amount": 20,
    "status": "requires_action",
    "client_secret": "pi_1666625208749916160_secret_BeEXcbvAQNUkrV9C6ZFjOamS",
    "next_action": {
        "type": "wechat_pay_redirect_to_web",
        "wechat_pay_redirect_to_web": {
            "url": "https://wx.tenpay.com/cgi-bin/mmpayweb-bin/checkmweb?prepay_id=wx08095629694611f41b32df91d6ea160000&package=3449031350&redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwooshpay.com"
    "payment_method_types": [
    "confirmation_method": "automatic",
    "payment_method_options": {
        "wechat_pay": {
            "terminal_type": "WAP",
            "os_type": "IOS",
            "client_ip": ""
    "return_url": "https://wooshpay.com",
    "payment_method": "pm_1666625208624087040",
    "capture_method": "automatic"

について url from wechat_pay_redirect_to_web from 次のアクション can be opened, from the link, the customer will be direct to the wechat APP for payment, and be direct to return_url after payment.

Quick Pay #




    "id": "pi_1666627489012645888",
    "object": "payment_intent",
    "created": 1686189932000,
    "livemode": false,
    "currency": "CNY",
    "amount": 10,
    "status": "requires_action",
    "client_secret": "pi_1666627489012645888_secret_t6oeKYYGb9egt3koNMsntfSg",
    "payment_method_types": [
    "confirmation_method": "automatic",
    "payment_method_options": {
        "wechat_pay": {
            "terminal_type": "SCAN_CODE",
            "os_type": "IOS",
            "client_ip": ""
    "return_url": "https://yourweb.com",
    "payment_method": "pm_1666627488878428160",
    "capture_method": "automatic"

The password-free payment can be paid directly, otherwise the customer needs to enter the password, fingerprint, etc. on the mobile phone to pay.

Official Account Payment #


    "amount": 20,
    "currency": "CNY",
    "confirm": true,
    "payment_method_options": {
        "wechat_pay": {
            "terminal_type": "OFFICIAL_ACCOUNT",
            "client_ip": "",
            "openid": "" 
    "payment_method_data": {
        "type": "wechat_pay"


    "id": "pi_1666626536515567616",
    "object": "payment_intent",
    "created": 1686189705000,
    "livemode": false,
    "currency": "CNY",
    "amount": 20,
    "status": "requires_payment_method",
    "client_secret": "pi_1666626536515567616_secret_CcrukFKgxbPp7UEAxodLlNRD",
    "last_payment_error": {
        "code": "payment_method_provider_decline",
        "message": "service error. Please try it again.",
        "payment_method": {
            "id": "pm_1666626536389738496",
            "object": "payment_method",
            "created": 1686189705000,
            "livemode": false,
            "type": "wechat_pay",
            "billing_details": {}
        "decline_code": "invalid_request_error"
    "payment_method_types": [
    "confirmation_method": "automatic",
    "payment_method_options": {
        "wechat_pay": {
            "openid": "",
            "terminal_type": "OFFICIAL_ACCOUNT",
            "client_ip": ""
    "payment_method": "pm_1666626536389738496",
    "capture_method": "automatic"

wechat_pay_official_account_params from 次のアクション contains some parameters you need to use in the front end. Below is an example on how to use the parameters. js example

function onBridgeReady(){
   'getBrandWCPayRequest', {
       if(res.err_msg == "get_brand_wcpay_request:ok" ) {}     // Using the above method to judge the front-end return, the WeChat team solemnly reminds: res.err_msg will return ok after the user's payment is successful, but it does not guarantee that it is absolutely reliable. 
if (typeof WeixinJSBridge == "undefined"){
   if( document.addEventListener ){
    document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', onBridgeReady, false);
   }else if (document.attachEvent){
    document.attachEvent('WeixinJSBridgeReady', onBridgeReady); 
    document.attachEvent('onWeixinJSBridgeReady', onBridgeReady);

Mini Program #


    "amount": 20,
    "currency": "GBP",
    "confirm": true,
    "payment_method_options": {
        "wechat_pay": {
            "terminal_type": "MINI_PROGRAM",
            "client_ip": "",
            "openid": "ojt**********QnCY"
    "payment_method_data": {
        "type": "wechat_pay"


    "id": "pi_1684807723566235648",
    "object": "payment_intent",
    "created": 1690524438000,
    "livemode": true,
    "currency": "GBP",
    "amount": 20,
    "status": "requires_action",
    "client_secret": "pi_1684807723566235648_secret_V3rhLjnidzwNnc7UomZJzzxc",
    "next_action": {
        "type": "wechat_pay_mini_program_params",
        "wechat_pay_mini_program_params": {
            "appId": "***********",
            "timeStamp": "1690524439",
            "nonceStr": "VVdQaFzG9LjOSNyGNLFbt7NZAn2oE87z",
            "signType": "MD5",
            "paySign": "9d0a90a35935d71d7a0f5f33689030fe",
            "package": "prepay_id=wx281407195596079e2b5253415099630000"
    "payment_method_types": [
    "confirmation_method": "automatic",
    "payment_method_options": {
        "wechat_pay": {
            "openid": "**********",
            "terminal_type": "MINI_PROGRAM",
            "client_ip": ""
    "payment_method": "pm_1684807723448795136",
    "capture_method": "automatic"

チェックアウト #

You can also utilize WeChat Pay via checkout hosted by WooshPay. To support payments, a Checkout Session must satisfy all of the following conditions:

  • Prices for all line items must be in the same currency. If you have line items in different currencies, create separate Checkout Sessions for each currency.
  • 使用できるのは1回限りの項目のみです。

Enable wechat pay as a payment method


Add Wechat Pay to the list of payment_method_types(支払い方法タイプ. Make sure all 行目 同じ通貨を使う。

セッションの作成 #


    "cancel_url": "https://wooshpay.com",
    "mode": "payment",
    "success_url": "https://wooshpay.com",
    "payment_method_types": [
    "line_items": [
            "price_data": {
                "currency": "CNY",
                "unit_amount": 100,
                "product_data": {
                    "name": "fengli",
                    "url": "www.baidu.com"
            "quantity": 1


    "id": "cs_1666627733867724800",
    "object": "checkout.session",
    "created": 1686189991000,
    "livemode": false,
    "currency": "CNY",
    "customer": "",
    "mode": "payment",
    "status": "open",
    "url": "https://checkouttest.wooshpay.com/pay/cs_test_1666627733867724800?key=pk_test_NTE1OTU5NzQ3NTQ2MTM5ODkzNzcxOktFZ0xlam1KbUxUb2gyUUNqWVVoaGpDSjE2NjkzNDUwMDgxMTE=",
    "cancel_url": "https://wooshpay.com",
    "line_items": {
        "object": "list",
        "data": [
                "id": "li_1666627733993553920",
                "object": "item",
                "currency": "CNY",
                "description": "fengli",
                "price": {
                    "id": "price_1666627734022914048",
                    "object": "price",
                    "created": 1686189991000,
                    "livemode": false,
                    "active": true,
                    "currency": "CNY",
                    "product": {
                        "id": "prod_1666627734064857088",
                        "object": "product",
                        "created": 1686189991000,
                        "livemode": false,
                        "active": true,
                        "name": "fengli",
                        "url": "www.baidu.com",
                        "updated": 1686189991000
                    "type": "one_time",
                    "unit_amount": 100,
                    "billing_scheme": "per_unit"
                "quantity": 1,
                "amount_subtotal": 100,
                "amount_total": 100
    "payment_intent": "pi_1666627734450733056",
    "payment_method_types": [
    "payment_status": "unpaid",
    "success_url": "https://wooshpay.com",
    "amount_subtotal": 100,
    "amount_total": 100,
    "billing_address_collection": "auto",
    "expires_at": 1686276390865,
    "payment_link": "",
    "client_secret": "pi_1666627734450733056_secret_jajX5Fe4Qlp6VGEm0ftP1wcZ"

You can access the checkout counter through the url, and select WeChat payment. If the client is a web page, it will generate a QR code and you can scan the code for payment. If the client is a mobile terminal, it will directly jump to the WeChat APP for payment.

次のステップ #


ウェブフックの作成 #


払い戻しの作成 #

