
Learn about Wooshpay’s integration choices for accepting online payments.

Set up with Wooshpay #

Test domain: https://apitest.wooshpay.com
Live domain: https://api.wooshpay.com

Wooshpay Checkout #

Send your customers to a Wooshpay-hosted checkout page to pay. Consumers pay by completing the payment at the cashier provided by WooshPay and then jump back to your website.

WooshPay SDK #


Wooshpay API #

Merchant can intergrate with WooshPay directly (for cards payment, PCI compliance is requried).

Compare features and availability #

WooshPay allowing you to have the best access experience with minimal the best access experience in the least amount of time.

FEATURECheckout (Recommanded)エスディーケーAPI
Integration effortMinimal codingMore codingMost coding
Mobile supportResponsive web and mobile nativeResponsive webResponsive web and mobile native
Website requirementsWebsite required, but WooshPay hosts the payment pageWebsite required; you add SDK to your payment pageWebsite required; accept payments through your own UI
Effort2 out of 5 stars3 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars
Get startWooshpay CheckoutWooshpay JS SDKWooshpay Direct API

WooshPay platform has advanced anti-fraud and anti-money laundering monitoring systems to monitor every transaction in real time, providing merchants and users with a security-based, fast and convenient payment platform.

Updated on 8月 5, 2023