WooshPay Pago

Visión general #

There are four steps to creating a complete checkout:

  1. Crear un producto
  2. Create a Price
  3. Create a Checkout
  4. Jump to the cashier to complete the payment

Crear un producto #

Products and prices are core resources for many WooshPay integrations. Products define what your business offers, whether that’s goods or services.


    "name":"example product",
    "description":"some description",


    "id": "prod_1554351292598452224",
    "object": "product",
    "created": 1665642282000,
    "active": true,
    "description": "some description",
    "metadata": {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2"
    "name": "example product",
    "livemode": false,
    "url": "www.example.com",
    "updated": 1665642282000,
    "images": null

Create a Price #

Prices define how much and how often to charge for products. You can create single or multiple prices for a product.

Request 1:Directly bind the exsisted product

    "nickname":"some nickname",

Request 2:Create a new product while create a price

        "name":"example product",
        "description":"very delicious",


    "nickname":"some nickname",
        "description":"very delicious",
        "name":"taiwan fengli",

Create Checkout #

A Checkout Session is the programmatic representation of what your customer sees when they’re redirected to the payment form. You can configure it with options such as:

  • artículos_de_línea to charge
  • currencies to use

You also need to specify:

  • A success_url, a page on your website to redirect your customer after they complete the payment.
  • A cancel_url, a page on your website to redirect your customer if they click on your logo in Checkout.

Note: Checkout Sessions expire 24 hours after creation.


                    "name":"example product",
                    "description":"very delicious",


                "description":"example product",
                        "description":"some description",
                        "name":"example product",

Redirect the URL #

After creating a Checkout Session, redirect your customer to the URL returned in the response.

Cuáles son sus sentimientos
Actualizado el 9 de agosto de 2023